Maps and Infographics
Trade in the Borderlands
As neighbors, Canada and the United States share the longest international border, across which they have nurtured a relationship of collaboration and cooperation in areas as varied as security, culture, and trade. While the tone of that relationship may vary depending on the occupants of the White House and 24 Sussex Drive (Gagnon, 2017), ties between the two countries run deep, which allows them to withstand temporary tensions, such as trade issues and border stresses.
This interactive resource examines the value and composition of the trade relationship between border provinces and border states. It examines the broader relationship between Canada and the United States together, followed with regional analyses of trade relationships along the border.
Stories From the Border
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to many changes in our daily lives. Along the Canada-US border, the border restrictions had specific impacts on border communities: family separation, disruption of networks of care, lack of access to essential goods, job and revenue losses and others. In all border regions, travels declined by 90%.
While some stories – or parts of stories – have been shared, others have not.